Stress , Depression , Hate , Fear , Anxiety , Worthless , Out of Control , Not able to connect , Lost in my own Body . Are the words or descriptions that I could of used before I met the people of Appalachian Wounded Warriors . Fishing has always been a passion of mine but I have never tried Flyfishing . I knew it would be a challenge to learn and I knew it would be imposable for me if I had to be around a group of people . But within the first hour after arriving at Harmans Cottages I knew these guys have the same struggles I did . So I did not have the stress , fear and anxiety of being in a uncomfortable social setting . Scott took me to the fish and taught me some knots and flies to use . "THANK YOU " .. I believe I can use this "Fly Fishing " as a tool to conquer PTSD and all of the other problems. Thank You Appalachian Wounded Warriors . Your Hospitality and care for Wounded Warriors is UN-matchable .